September 14, 2024

Movement for Effective Counter Attacking

This session is build on Movement for Effective Counter Attacking, when win the ball try to play through a very fast counter attack and try to score.

Movement for Effective Counter Attacking

Practice 1

Setup on a 7v7 or 9v9 pitch

Three queues, in front of one goal, they’ll run in the other direction.

From the central queue pass to the right and run to the right to overlap behind that player. Player receive, drive to the left side, pass the ball and next run to overlap behind that player.

Run to the end of the pitch and wait for all groups to do this. Next run back, doing the same thing.

Second progression is to pass with the back of your foot, when the player is at your back.

Third progression is to run in both directions at the same time, not more than 1-2 minutes.

Practice 2

3v2, overlaps, overloads on the sides, 

Setup at half way line on a 7v7 or 9v9 pitch

3 queues a half way going to the goal direction.

2 defenders who start from the back of the goal “at the whistle”.

Attackers start the ball, passed by the coach from the middle part, they direct to one part and try to overlap.

If they don’t score 3 goals from 10 attacks, attackers 20 ABSes. If they score 3, defenders do the ABSes.

Practice 3

Possession practice where we try to create positive transition, winning the ball back, and next play to score vs 1 defender.  

Setup at half way line on a 7v7 or 9v9 pitch, a square to play 7v5 on it. 

Between this square and the goal we have 2v1. Keeper in goal, if we have 2 gk we setup both goals.

The team with 7 players is in possession in the square and they can score, after 4 passes in 4 mini goals. When defenders win possession, the team with 5, they pass to one of the 2 players, from 2v1. One of the players comes to support, to make it 3v1 and they play, very quickly, to score.

Progression two, defenders become 2, from 2v2, and when 5 wins the ball from 7v5, they pass to one of the 2 attackers and 1-2 of them come to support, to become 3v2 and next 4v2.

Practice 4

Game at the end of the session.

Movement for Effective Counter Attacking

Tips and tricks:

1 – Is good to have for this type of team, powerful, quick, big and competitive players.

2 – Scouting: don’t judge a book by its cover, apply the iceberg theory, need to see the 75% what’s under the water.

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